Franklin DMQ-2100 Manual De Usuario

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3. BOOKS menu
3.1 Using Global Search
Global Search allows searching for all words
and phrases saved in the dictionaries. You can 
use multiple words for searching.
1.  In the Books menu, press   /   to select 
Global Search and then press 
•  Or, press
2.  Type a word.
  See 3.6 Hints on Inputting Words.
•  With each letter you type, the resulting
list of potential matching entries is 
refreshed. If the letters you typed match 
an entry in the word list, it is automatically 
highlighted. Or, press   /   to select 
another word entry you see in the word 
•  The source* of each entry is indicated in
the word list.
*BC = Bradford’s Crossword Solver; BE = Britannica Concise
Encyclopedia; CD = Collins Desktop Plus; CE = Collins Discovery
Encyclopedia; CT = Collins Concise Thesaurus; CQ = Quotations 
(Collins A-Z Thesaurus, unabridged); PB = Phrasebook; TR = 5 
Language Translator
•  Press PREV.ON to preview the entries 
while you are browsing the word list. Press 
PREVOFF to cancel this function.
3. Press 
 to go to the dictionary 
containing the selected entry.
•  See 3.2 Using the dictionaries.
4. Press 
 to start a new search.
Refining Your Search
Use the following soft keys:
•  DEF: Goes to definition search.
 EXAMPLE: Goes to usage example search.
 IDIOM: Goes to idiom search.
3.2 Using the Dictionaries
The following instructions apply to the
following dictionaries in the Books menu. 
•  Collins Desktop Plus
•  Collins Concise Thesaurus
•  Bradford’s Crossword Solver
•  Britannica Concise Encyclopedia
•  Collins Discovery Encyclopedia
•  Quotations
Note: The functions described below may not
be available to all dictionaries or at all times.
1.  In the Books menu, press   /   to select 
a dictionary and then press 
2.  Type a word.
  See 3.6 Hints on Inputting Words.
•  To refine your search, press   /   to select 
WordIdiomExample or Definition (if 
available) before you start to type. In the 
Thesaurus, you select Synonym instead of 
Definition. In the dictionary for quotations, 
you select between Keywords and Authors.
•  With each letter you type, the resulting
list of potential matching entries is 
refreshed. If the letters you typed match 
an entry in the word list, it is automatically 
highlighted. Or, press   /   to select 
another word entry you see in the word 
•  Press PREV.ON to preview the entries 
while you are browsing the word list. Press 
PREVOFF to cancel this function.
3. Press 
•  If there are multiple forms within an entry, 
press   /   to select the one you want and 
then press 
•  See 1.4 Browsing in the Device.
•  Press
 +   /   to go to the previous 
or next entry in a dictionary or in a list of
multiple search results.
•  Press
 to hear the headword 
pronounced (if pronunciation is available).
4. Press 
 to start a new search.
3.3 Misspelling Words
If the letters you type do not find a match
in the list, your word is misspelled or not in 
the dictionaries, a list of possible spelling 
corrections is displayed. Press   /   to select 
the entry you want and then press 
3.4 Uncertain Spellings
If you are uncertain about how to spell a 
word, type the portion of the word you do 
know, and type a question mark (?) in place 
of each unknown letter. Type an asterisk (*)
to stand for any missing portion of a word, 
including prefixes, suffixes, spaces, symbols,
or any number of letters.
3.5 Inflections/Conjugations
Inflected Form Searching
The device is equipped with a smart system
to retrieve results from an inflected word.
For example, when you type “ate”, the device
will retrieve results from the word “eat”. For a
word with multiple parts of speech (e.g. the 
word “record” is both a noun and a verb), both 
definitions will show.
Looking Up Inflections
When inflections are available to a word, the
function label CONJ appears. Press CONJ to 
view the inflections. Some words may have
multiple parts of speech, press   /   to select 
the one you want and then press 
 to view 
the inflections.
For verbs, press CONJ or 
 +   /   to view 
more conjugations.
3.6 Hints on Inputting Words
The following instructions apply to all entry
screens where word input is allowed. Note: 
Some entry screens may allow only certain
types of character inputs.
•  Hold
 and press a letter key to type a 
capital letter.
•  To type accents, type a letter (e.g., e) and
then press 
 until the accent 
you want appears (e.g., é).
•  To type a number, press a number key.
•  To type a special character shown on a
number key, hold 
 and then press a 
number key.
•  To type other symbols, press
Use the direction keys to select the symbol 
you want from the pop-up menu and then
•  Press
 to delete the letter to the left of 
the cursor.
•  To amend a word, press   /   to move the 
cursor to the desired position, press 
to delete or a letter key to add a letter to 
the left of the cursor in a word. 
3.7 Using the Soft Keys
Soft key functions are represented by the
labels displayed along the bottom of the 
screen. These labels change to reflect the
various functions available in different
features of the device. Press 
corresponds to the label. 
CLOSE: Closes the current screen.
CONF: Views the confusables (such as 
homonyms, homophones and spelling 
variants) related to the current word entry.
CONJ: Shows inflections/conjugations. See
3.5 Inflections/Conjugations.
DEF: Goes to definition search.
DICT: Goes to word search or the dictionary 
containing the current entry.
EXAMPLE: Goes to example search or views
usage examples in an entry. When usage
examples are available in an entry, the icon
EX  appears. Press this soft key to highlight EX  
and then press 
to view the example. If
there are multiple EX  icons in an entry, press 
 /   to select the one you want and then 
GLOBAL: Goes to Global Search.
IDIOM: Goes to idiom search.
LIST: Goes to My Word List or adds the current
entry to My Word List. See 4.1 My Word List for 
NEXT: Goes to the next entry.
PIC: Views picture or diagram in an entry.  
PREV: Goes to the previous entry.
PREVOFF: Cancels the preview function.
PREV.ON: Previews the current entry. 
RANGE:  Refines searches by multiple words.
Press   /   to select an option from the pop-
up menu and then press 
All = Look for entries with the search words,
whenever they appear.
Items following specified order = Look for
entries with the search words, in the order as 
you type.
Input words are in successions = Look for
entries with the search words, in the word 
successions as you type.
THES: Goes to the thesaurus.
3.8 Highlighting Words
Another way to look up words in the 
dictionaries is by highlighting them in an 
entry. Note: this feature may not be available 
on all screens.
1.  At a text screen supporting word 
selection, press 
•  If the first word on the screen is
highlighted, this feature is supported.
2. Press  ,  ,   or   to select an available 
word you want to learn and press 
to look up the word in your current 
  Alternatively, press 
 to look 
up the word in all dictionaries.
If the 
selected word has entries in multiple 
dictionaries, a pop-up window will show.
Press   /   to select the dictionary you 
want and press 
3.  When done, press 
 to return to the 
original entry or dictionary.
4. Press 
 to turn off the highlight.