McAfee Active VirusScan® SMB Edition SVM80M010TAA Fiche De Données

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Data Sheet  |  McAfee System Protection Solutions
McAfee SMB Editions
Featuring McAfee ProtectionPilot
For most small to medium-sized businesses 
(SMBs), security is a huge challenge. With systems
connected to the Internet, any company could fall 
victim to malicious threats like viruses, worms, 
hacker attacks, spam, and inappropriate content. 
SMBs face this reality every day, often with limited IT 
staff juggling various projects and with limited expertise
to maintain and implement them. For SMBs that want to 
stay in control of their defenses—monitoring protection,
ensuring system compliance, and troubleshooting 
problems—this is an especially diffi cult reality. 
Administrators want to keep the destiny of their security in 
their own hands without the complexity. Virus protection 
without a means to centrally manage it is like a human body 
without a brain.  
Just like large corporations, smaller businesses are highly 
dependent on their IT infrastructures and the Internet for 
day-to-day operations. As with large corporations, the small 
company has to strike a balance between business and 
security requirements. However, unlike large corporations,
small businesses often lack dedicated security knowledge
and are looking for simple ways to manage their virus 
protection. The importance of a simple and rapid method of 
deployment, policy management, and visibility is paramount.
Just Add the Network 
understands the unique challenges of SMBs and
has designed the McAfee SMB Edition solutions to simplify 
the complexity involved with protecting SMB computing 
By integrating these solutions with an easy-to-use, 
centralized management tool, McAfee SMB Editions are a 
simple, proactive approach to the deployment and ongoing 
management of virus protection for your SMBs.
Whether your security needs are isolated to the desktops 
and fi le servers, or you need additional coverage that adds
e-mail protection, McAfee has the right, easy-to-manage 
suite to meet your SMB protection requirements.
SMB Edition
Virus Defense 
SMB Edition
Centralized management
desktop and 
fi le server virus protection
NetWare server virus protection
Mail server virus protection
and content fi ltering 
SMTP gateway mail
Virus protection
Solutions Designed for SMBs
Designed specifi cally with ease of use in mind for SMBs, 
McAfee SMB Editions provide two solution suites for 
comprehensive virus protection. Focal to these suites 
is McAfee ProtectionPilot,
a centralized tool to guide 
you through the mystery of deploying, monitoring, 
and managing virus protection, keeping it in place and
up to date. The award-winning McAfee VirusScan,
Enterprise, GroupShield
 for Mail Servers and WebShield
SMTP technologies then take over to stop malicious
threats—viruses, worms, and Trojans—in their tracks.
Administrators can then easily monitor all systems for virus
activity and update status within the interactive security 
dashboard—protection is automatically checked and 
updated, and any fi ne-tuning or confi guration changes are a 
breeze via the easy-to-navigate task menu.