Honeywell MS-9200UDLS Manuel D’Utilisation

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Central Station Communications
MS-9200UDLS   PN 52750:A    11/04/05
Central Station Communications
The control panel transmits zone and system status reports to Central Stations via the 
public switched telephone network.  Two supervised telephone line connections are 
made to interface the control panel to the telephone lines.  Two optional 7 foot 
telephone cords are available for this purpose and can be purchased separately.
The control panel supervises both telephone lines for proper voltage.  A delay of two 
minutes will occur before a fault in either phone line connection is reported as a trouble.  
When a fault is detected, an audible trouble signal will sound, the yellow trouble LED 
will blink, the LCD display will indicate the phone line trouble and the trouble 
condition will be reported to the Central Station over the remaining operational phone 
The control panel comes with line seizure capability provided for both the primary and 
secondary telephone line interfaces.  Any time that the control panel needs to make a 
call to a Central Station, line seizure will disconnect any local premises phones sharing 
the same telephone line.
All transmissions to the Central Stations will be sent over the primary phone line.  In 
the event of noisy phone lines, transmissions will be sent over the backup secondary 
phone line.
Two phone numbers must be programmed, the primary Central Station phone number 
and the secondary Central Station phone number.  All system reports will be transmitted 
to the primary Central Station phone number.  Reports will automatically be sent to the 
secondary Central Station phone number if attempts to transmits to the primary Central 
Station phone number are unsuccessful.  If 10 total attempts to communicate are 
unsuccessful, a Communicator Failure report will be displayed.  Note that as an option, 
all reports may also be sent to the secondary Central Station phone number.
The MS-9200UDLS meets NFPA 72 National Fire Code reporting requirements for: (a) 
the type of signal, (b) condition and (c) location of the reporting premises.  The general 
priority reporting structure is:
1. Zone Alarms and Restores
2. Zone Troubles and Restores
3. System Troubles and Restores
4. 24-hour Test