MartinLogan Speaker Manuel D’Utilisation

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Multi-Channel Mode
This setup is recommended if you will use your subwoofer 
in a dedicated home theater or multi-channel system. When  
a signal is connected to the subwoofer’s LFE In, the Low 
Pass Filter control is NOT active. Your processor handles 
most of the bass management.
Signal Connection (see figure 6—RCA shown):
1  Connect the LFE out of the processor to the LFE In. Use 
either an RCA or an XLR interconnect.
Based on the performance of most processors, 
it is recommended that MartinLogan center 
and effects type speakers (i.e. Stage, Cinema, 
Theater, and Script i) not be run in large, wide or 
full range mode. Doing so may potentially dam-
age the speaker if the processor attempts to drive 
the speaker beyond its rated frequency range. 
This warning also applies to products from other 
It is recommended to run center and effects type 
speakers in limited or narrow mode. 
Recommended Control Settings (see figure 7):
1  With multi-channel source material playing, adjust the 
Level control to your preferred level. 
2  Try the phase control in different settings until the best 
blending is obtained. If you are using the subwoofer to 
augment other MartinLogan products, we suggest start-
ing with the phase set at 90°.
3  If you have completed steps 1–2 and still have weak 
or boomy bass, adjust the 25Hz Level and 50Hz Level 
knobs to compensate for these anomalies. Increase and 
decrease to controls and listen to the effects. Try to find 
a position that sounds correct to you. Experiment by 
changing the Level control while adjusting these knobs. 
Find a position that gives you deep extended bass and 
good blending with your main speakers.
4  Follow the bass management setup instructions in your 
processor manual to fine-tune the subwoofer level.
Figure 6. Signal connection for multi-channel mode.
Figure 7. Control settings for multi-channel mode.
10     Controls and Connections