Nuance Dragon NaturallySpeaking 10 Preferred MNT-A189-W00-C/ENG Fascicule

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Dragon NaturallySpeaking 10 
Create Email, Documents and 
Spreadsheets – All by Voice
10 Preferred gives 
small business and 
advanced PC users 
the power to create 
documents, reports 
and emails three times 
faster than most people type. All with up 
to 99% accuracy. Surf the Web by voice 
or dictate and edit in Microsoft Word and 
Excel, Corel WordPerfect, and most other 
Windows-based applications.
New Dragon Voice Shortcuts collapse 
common multi-click tasks into simple 
voice commands. Or create custom 
commands to insert blocks of texts 
and images — such as name, title, and 
signature — with a single voice command. 
Format and delete text faster than ever 
with Quick Voice Formatting. Users 
can choose to work with a Bluetooth 
microphone, and they can even dictate 
into a digital recorder when they’re away 
from the PC.
The experience speaks for itself
ACCurAtE SPEECh rECogNitioN for PC APPliCAtioNS
Dragon NaturallySpeaking 10 Preferred offers unprecedented speech  
recognition with unrivaled accuracy levels: up to 20% fewer speech  
recognition errors out of the box than Version 9, and about half the amount 
of errors that the product delivered just five years ago. Users gain the 
added benefit of avoiding spelling errors and typing mistakes. In fact, the 
product actually learns from corrections over time.
WorkS With thE APPliCAtioNS uSErS AlrEADy hAVE
Dictate directly into Microsoft
 Word™ and Microsoft Outlook
and most other Microsoft Office applications running on Microsoft  
 XP, Windows 2000, and Windows Vista™. Dragon also  
supports popular programs such as Corel
, Microsoft Internet 
, Mozilla
, and AOL
. Navigate the desktop by voice: 
launch or switch applications, save or print documents, and more –  even 
control menus and dialog boxes. 
Users can easily create documents and spreadsheets, or edit existing 
ones, simply by speaking. Add custom words, such as proper names, to 
the system’s vocabulary or create commands, such as "insert signature," 
so that pre-set text and images will automatically appear in email and 
documents. Plus, Dragon enables easy correction and proofing: with the 
“play back” feature, users can listen to their dictation while Dragon high-
lights the corresponding text on the screen for easy proofreading. 
  Quick Voice Formatting commands allow users to issue a single 
voice command, such as Bold Quick Voice Formatting,” to make  
formatting and deleting text faster than ever. In addition, the extensive 
set of Natural Language Commands mean users don't have to memorize 
complex instructions. In Microsoft Word, for example, a user can say, 
"make that bigger," and the font size increases instantly.
  Dragon 10 introduces new graphical icons to enhance the  
DragonBar user interface, making the product even easier to use!
SEND EmAil, iNStANt mESSAgES AND Surf thE WEb –  
All by VoiCE
Users can browse the Internet with ease: search the Web, access  
information and navigate Web pages, simply by speaking URLs and links.