Toshiba MA-1450 Manuel D’Utilisation

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Net to S.I. 1, 2 ........... Refer to the section of PRESET RATE SETTING FOR
SELECTIVE ITEMIZERS near the end of this chapter.
The HI-CONE Status (Code 6) requires setting of the Whole Package
Quantity (Address 8).
Setting Examples:
To set only Status 2 to ON ................ Enter 2 [#]
To set Statuses 2,3,6 to ON .............. Enter 236 [#]
To set none of statuses to ON .......... Enter 0 [#]
Tax Status
Enter one-to four-digit Status Codes for applicable Tax.
|     |     |     |     |  [#]
0:  Non-taxable
1:  Tax 1 (Tax 1 taxable)
2:  Tax 2
3:  Tax 3
4:  Tax 4
(More than one code can be entered for combining Tax 1 to Tax 4 taxable status. For
example, enter 12 to select Tax 1 and Tax 2 taxable status.)
Unit Price of Individual Split Package (for HI-CONE PLUs only)
To preset the unit price of individual split package, enter a maximum of 6-digit price, and
depress [#].
To cancel the unit price of individual split package, enter 0 and depress [#].
(When the unit price of individual split package is not preset (or 0), whole package price
(Address 3 setting) will be used in the registration.
Whole Package Quantity (for Split Package Pricing PLUs)
|     |     |  [#]
Enter the whole package quantity in max. 2 digits (1 to 99), or enter 0 to cancel the Split
Package Pricing status. Be sure to set a whole package quantity here for PLUs with HI-
CONE Status (Address 4 -Code 6) or Mix & Match Group No. (Address 13).
When the option “Preset Point for one decimal digit” is selected, this setting
is not allowed to any PLUs.
PLU Group No.  (for purposes of reports)
Enter a 2-digit code (1 to 99) as a PLU Group No. to which the PLU belongs, and
depress [#]. To cancel the Group No. once set, enter 0 and depress [#].
Address No.
Description of Programming Contents
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