Texas Instruments TMS320C3x Manuel D’Utilisation

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Group Addressing Mode Instruction Encoding
13.4.2 3-Operand Addressing Modes
Instructions that use the 3-operand addressing modes, such as ADDI3, LSH3,
CMPF3, or XOR3, usually have this form:
src1 operation src2 
where the destination operand is signified by 
dst and the source operands by
src1 and src2; operation defines an operation to be performed.
3 can be omitted from a 3-operand instruction mnemonic.
Bits 31–29 are set to the value of 001, indicating 3-operand addressing
mode instructions. Bits 22 and 21 specify the 3-operand addressing mode
(T) field, which defines how bits 15–0 are to be interpreted for addressing
the SRC operands. Bits 15–8 define the SRC1 address; bits 7–0 define the
SRC2 address. Options for bits 22 and 21 (T) are as follows:
src1 addressing modes
src2 addressing modes
0 0
Register mode 
(any CPU register)
Register mode 
(any CPU register)
0 1
Indirect mode 
disp = 0, 1, IR0, IR1)
Register mode 
(any CPU register)
1 0
Register mode 
(any CPU register)
Indirect mode 
disp = 0, 1, IR0, IR1)
1 1
Indirect mode 
disp = 0, 1, IR0, IR1)
Indirect mode 
disp = 0, 1, IR0, IR1)
Figure 13–2 shows the encoding for 3-operand addressing. If the 
src1 and
src2 fields both modify the same auxiliary register, both addresses are correctly
generated. However, only the value created by the 
src1 field is saved in the
auxiliary register specified. The assembler issues a warning if you specify this