Lucent Technologies 9077 16S Manuel D’Utilisation

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Configuring the SP Switch Router Adapter
Installing the PCMCIA spinning disk
SP Switch Router Adapter Guide - 1.4 Update 2
 October 22, 1999   
Panic dumps sent to external flash device  
The mountf and grdump commands enable the grdump program to work with an external 
flash device to capture media card dumps.   
When a media card panics and there is a formatted external flash device plugged into a 
PCMCIA slot, a copy of the dump is automatically saved to the external flash in a directory 
Installation steps
Insert the PCMCIA disk into slot A on the SP Switch Router control board (the thickness 
of the 520MB device requires it be installed in slot A). 
Log in as 
 to the SP Switch Router, start the UNIX shell, and execute these 
commands from the shell:           
prompt> sh
# cd /
# iflash -A   
# grsnapshot --dup PA
# mountf -A -w -m /mnt  
# mkdir /mnt/crash
# mkdir /mnt/portcards
# cd /var
# mv crash crash.orig
# mv portcards portcards.orig
# ln -s /var/log/portcards /var/portcards
# ln -s /var/log/crash /var/crash 
# grsite --perm portcards crash
# cd /var/log
# pax -rw -pe -v . /mnt
# umountf -A
The grsnapshot --dup command places a copy of the internal flash boot and configuration 
files on the spinning disk. Customer Support may use these files to rebuild internal flash if 
a problem occurs. 
Edit the file 
 and add this line as shown in the excerpt below:   
/dev/wd2a  /var/log   ufs  rw  0 2  #PCMCIA slot A, use wd3a for B
# Filesystem mount table information.  See the fstab(5) man page
# and the /etc/fstab.sample file for more information and examples.
# Each line is of the form:
#  device       mount_point     type    flags   dump    fsck_pass  
# Note that multiple flags (when used) are specified as a       
# comma separated list without spaces.  