Lucent Technologies 6000 Manuel D’Utilisation

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MAX 6000/3000 Network Configuration Guide
Configuring Individual WAN Connections
The Connection profile
Frame Relay parameters
The following Connections > Session Options parameters define whether the MAX unit 
redirects incoming packets to the Frame Relay switch without processing, the name of the 
Frame Relay profile, and the Frame Relay DLCI number to be used for FR Direct connections: 
Framed Only
The Ethernet > Connections > Connection profile > Framed Only parameter specifies whether 
or not the user is allowed access to all the terminal-server commands or to only a subset of 
them. The default setting of No specifies that terminal-server users connecting through this 
profile have unlimited access to the terminal-server commands. Yes specifies that terminal- 
server users connecting through this profile have access only to the PPP, SLIP, CSLIP, and Quit 
terminal-server commands.
IPX SAP Filter
A SAP filter to the LAN or WAN interface. You can apply an IPX SAP 
filter to exclude or include certain remote services from the MAX SAP 
table. If you apply a SAP filter in a Connection profile, you can 
exclude or include services in both directions.
Name of a backup Connection profile for a nailed connection. The 
profile is intended as a backup if the far-end device goes out of 
service, in which case the backup call is made. It is not intended to 
provide alternative lines for getting to a single destination.
IP Direct
IP address of a local host to which all inbound IP packets on this link 
will be directed. When you specify an address for this parameter, the 
MAX unit bypasses all internal routing and bridging tables and sends 
each packet received from the remote end of the connection to the 
specified address. This setting does not affect outbound traffic. Note 
that the IP direct host must be on the same local network as the unit.
FR Direct
Whether or not the MAX unit redirects incoming packets to the Frame 
Relay switch without processing. A FR Direct connection is a dial-in 
IP routing connection (typically using PPP), for which the unit simply 
forwards the packets automatically to the Frame Relay switch without 
examining destination addresses or its routing table. In effect, the unit 
passes on the responsibility of routing those packets to a later hop on 
the Frame Relay network. This is known as FR Direct mode, and is not 
commonly used.
FR Prof
Name of the Frame Relay profile to use for forwarding this link on the 
Frame Relay network.
Frame Relay DLCI number to be used for FR Direct connections.