Oracle Audio Technologies 12.2 Manuel D’Utilisation

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Troubleshooting Installation Issues
Oracle® Retail Place Installation Guide
Troubleshooting Installation Issues
The Oracle Installer simplifies the process of integrating and configuring multiple 
applications (for example, your database software, your application server software, 
and Place). 
Because of this complexity and the state of your own environment, there may be some 
situations that you need to troubleshoot and resolve. This section enables you to 
understand and resolve Place installation issues.
Ensure that you thoroughly understand the messages being output by the Oracle 
Understanding the Trace Output Messages
Note that the Oracle Installer displays messages that originate from multiple sources. 
Some messages are Place-specific, such as the directories being created. Other 
messages are redirected stderr output from third-party applications; as a result, the 
message content depends on what the software vendor wants to display.
As a result, refer to the documentation associated with the relevant application when 
troubleshooting, which will help you determine if the error message is even valid and 
how to correct any existing problems. 
For example, during database installation, if a error messages indicate class 
deployments issues, see the documentation associated with your database 
management software. The documentation will explain whether the message is 
spurious (and to be ignored) or valid. If the error is actually valid, the documentation 
will explain how to correct the problem.
Installation Does Not Complete
If the installation process fails before the application has been completely installed, an 
onscreen message prompts you to review the log files to determine the cause of the 
errors. However, since the installation was not complete, no log file was generated.
Instead, review the onscreen trace messages to determine the origin of the error.
Installation Completes with Errors
If the installation completes but has errors, an onscreen message prompts you to 
review the log. Also, you may want to review the generated properties files.
The file naming convention of the log file is as follows: 
Use this parameter to specify the maximum number of users that can connect to 
the MicroStrategy server at a time.
Use this parameter to specify the Business Intelligence (BI) server version. Valid 
values are MS7 or MS8.
Plan supports the Microstrategy 8 platform.
Table 5–16
Last Session Properties Files