Acronis Backup & Recovery 10 Adv WS TIDLBPDES Manuel D’Utilisation

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So, if  the backup policy named, say SYSTEM_BACKUP will be applied to three machines (say, 
FINDEPT1, FINDEPT2, FINDEPT3), the following three archives will be created in the location: 
2.  Click OK
The name looks like ArchiveN, where N is a sequence number. If the program finds that the archive 
Archive1 is already stored in the location, it will automatically suggest the name Archive2.  
7.2.6.  Access credentials for location 
Specify credentials required for access to the location where the backup archive will be stored. The 
user name of these credentials will be considered as the archive owner. 
To specify credentials 
1.  Select one of the following: 
Use the policy credentials 
The program will access the location using the credentials of the backup policy specified in 
the General section. 
Use the following credentials 
The program will access the location using the credentials you specify. Use this option if the 
policy credentials do not have access permissions to the location. You might need to provide 
special credentials for a network share or a storage node. 
User name. When entering the name of an Active Directory user account, be sure to also 
specify the domain name (DOMAIN\Username or Username@domain) 
Password. The password for the account. 
2.  Click OK
Warning: As appears from the original FTP specification, credentials required for access to FTP servers are 
transferred through a network as plaintext. This means that the user name and password can be intercepted by 
an eavesdropper using a packet sniffer. 
7.2.7.  Backup scheme selection 
Choose one of the available backup schemes: 
Back up now – to create a backup task for manual start and run the task immediately after its 
Back up later – to create a backup task for manual start OR schedule one-time task execution in 
the future. 
Simple – to schedule when and how often to backup data and specify retention rules. 
Grandfather-Father-Son – to use the Grandfather-Father-Son backup scheme. The scheme does 
not allow data to be backed up more than once a day. You set the days of week when the daily 
backup will be performed and select from these days the day of weekly/monthly backup. Then 
you set the retention periods for the daily (referred to as "sons"), weekly (referred to as 
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