TallyGenicom la550n Mode D'Emploi

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User guide
Your printer offers the possibility of operating either via a parallel or 
via a serial interface. This chapter informs you about the parallel 
Centronics compatible interface and the serial interface type 
RS232C/V.24 and describes the communication between your com-
puter and the printer. 
These interfaces are linked to form a so-called shared interface
Your printer can be configured to use only one interface or both al-
ternately. When only one interface is used, it is monitored by the 
printer. If the printer is configured to use both interfaces simultane-
ously it monitors both interfaces for incoming data. As soon as the 
printer recognizes a signal it switches to the respective interface and 
sends the BUSY signal to the other interface. After finishing the data 
transmission, the printer remains switched to this interface for a cer-
tain period of time (Macro: 1 to 30 seconds, default 2 seconds). 
When this time has elapsed, the controller reenables both interfaces 
and the sequence described restarts. If incoming data is on the other 
interface and the current print position is not “Top of Form”, a form 
feed is carried out. 
In the chapter 
, the interfaces which can be 
purchased with your printer are listed.