Netopia 430 s Guide De Référence

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Appendix F
Further Reading
Angell, David. 
ISDN for Dummies, Foster City, CA: IDG Books 
Worldwide, 1995. Thorough introduction to ISDN for beginners.
Chapman, D. Brent and Elizabeth D. Zwicky. 
Building Internet 
Firewalls, Sebastopol, CA: O’Reilly & Associates, 1995. Dense and 
technical, but Chapter 6 provides a basic introduction to packet 
Chapman, D. Brent. “Network (In)Security Through IP Packet 
Filtering,” paper available from Great Circle Associates, 1057 West 
Dana Street, Mountain View, CA 94041
Gar finkel, Simson. 
PGP: Pretty Good Privacy, Sebastopol, CA: 
O’Reilly & Associates, 1991. A guide to the free data encr yption 
program PGP and the issues surrounding encr yption.
Levine, John R. and Carol Baroudi. 
The Internet for Dummies, Foster 
City, CA: IDG Books Worldwide, 1993. Covers all of the most popular 
Internet ser vices, including e-mail, newsgroups, and the World Wide 
Web. Also has information on setting up individual workstations with 
TCP/IP stacks.
Siyan, Karanjit. 
Internet Firewall and Network Security, Indianapolis: 
New Riders Publishing, 1995. Similar to the Chapman and Zwicky 