Netopia r3100-u Guide De Référence

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3-16  User’s Reference Guide
Dynamic configuration using MacIP (optional)
If you want to use MacIP to dynamically assign IP addresses to the Macintosh computers on your network you 
must install the optional AppleTalk feature set kit.
Note: You cannot use MacIP dynamic configuration to configure your Netopia R3100 ISDN Router because you 
must first configure the router in order to enable AppleTalk.
Once the AppleTalk kit is installed, you can configure your Macintoshes for MacIP. To configure dynamically 
using MacIP, per form the following:
Using Open Transport TCP/IP
Go to the Apple menu. Select Control Panels and then TCP/IP.
With the TCP/IP window open, go to the Edit menu and select User Mode. Choose Advanced and click OK.
In the TCP/IP window, select or type information into the fields as shown in the following table.
Close the TCP/IP control panel and save the settings.
These are the only fields you need to modify in these screens.
TCP/IP Option:
Select/ Type:
Connect via:
AppleTalk (MacIP)
Using MacIP ser ver
MacIP Ser ver zone:
(select available zone)
Name ser ver address:
Enter the primar y and secondar y name ser ver 
addresses given to you by your ISP
Implicit Search Path:
Star ting domain name:
Enter your domain name; if you do not have a 
domain name, enter the domain name of your ISP