Roland Fantom-Xa Manuel Du Propriétaire

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Saving/Loading a Song (Save/Load)
Here’s how to convert and save an Temporary Song as an SMF file.
From the SONG EDIT screen, press [F3 (UTILITY)].
Press [F5 (SAVE AS SMF)].
The SAVE AS SMF screen appears.
Assign a file name to the song.
Song file names may not contain lowercase characters or certain 
symbols (“ * + , . / : ; < = > ? [ \ ] |).
After you have assigned a name, press [F6 (WRITE)].
Press either [F1 (USER)] (user memory) or [F2 (CARD)] 
(memory card) to select the save-destination.
Press either [F3 (FMT 0)] or [F4 (FMT 1)] to select the format 
for saving.
FMT 0 (Format 0):
Convert the song to a Format 0 Standard MIDI File (all 
performance data is saved in one phrase track) and save it to 
disk. An extension of “.MID” will be added automatically.
FMT 1 (Format 1):
Convert the song to a Format 1 Standard MIDI File 
(performance data is saved in more than one phrase track) and 
save it to disk. An extension of “.MID” will be added 
Press [F6 (SAVE)].
A message will ask for confirmation.
Press [F6 (EXEC)] to execute.
The filename extension will be “.MID” whether you select “Save 
SMF (Format 0)” or “Save SMF (Format 1).” The two cannot be 
distinguished in this way.
To cancel, press [F5 (CANCEL)].
Saving a Song as an SMF 
File (Save as SMF)
When you save data in SMF format, the sound setup data will 
not be saved. In order to ensure that the correct sounds are 
played, you must record the appropriate bank select and 
program numbers (p. 144).
If you assign a file name that is identical to one already existing 
in the user area or the memory card, a message of “File “****” 
Already Exists! Over Write OK?” will ask you for confirmation 
when you attempt to save the file. If it is OK to overwrite the 
existing file, press [F6 (EXEC)]. If you decide not to save the file, 
press [F5 (CANCEL)].
If you attempt to save data to a memory card that was not 
formatted on the Fantom-Xa, a message of “Unformatted!” (the 
memory card has not been formatted) will appear. Please 
format the memory card on the Fantom-Xa (p. 205). 152 ページ 2004年10月22日 金曜日 午後2時3分