Seiko Instruments sp580 Mode D'Emploi

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Page 72
Chapter 5:
This chapter contains information about how to replace the ink cartridge in the
SmartPen, how to replace the battery in the SmartPen, and Troubleshooting
information for your SmartPad.
Replacing Ink Cartridges
Five spare ink cartridges are included with SmartPad.  The spare ink cartridges
are stored in a cartridge holder.  This cartridge holder also incorporates a special
tool that is used to remove expended ink cartridges.  The following procedure
explains how to replace the SmartPen’s ink cartridge.
To replace the ink cartridge of the SmartPen:
1. Remove the cartridge holder from the SmartPad portfolio.  The cartridge
holder is stored in the upper-left corner of the SmartPad portfolio.
2. The cartridge holder has a special tool that is used to remove the ink car-
tridge.  Fit the tip of the SmartPen into the notch of this tool, as shown:
Cartridge holder
Fit ridge into tool