Nortel 4000 Note De Mise

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300221-C Rev.00
NauticaRS 4.132R Release Notes for the Nautica 4000
The metrics of IP routes are now reported as their last 
updated value in the 
show config
 command, even when the 
route is marked as temporarily infinite (unreachable). 
Previously, a blacklisted route would be shown with a metric 
of 16, which could result in a route being lost if this value 
was restored to a defaulted unit, for example by Nautica 
Wizard after a code upgrade.
The router code no longer halts with a “Sending Null Buff” 
error when receiving a PPP frame of type zero with a zero 
length, as sometimes seen when calling into a 5399/8000 
Remote Access Concentrator (RAC).
The OSPF code (Nautica 4000 and Marlin only) now 
correctly chooses a designated router when added to a 
Spurious data within CCP packets no longer causes system 
Quote (“) characters in the 
Display Unit Configuration
output are correctly displayed by Netscape Navigator 4
A 32-bit rule assigned to a dial-in user from RADIUS is now 
correctly associated with the dial-in path.
Further optimization in the NAT implementation to avoid 
double translation when a packet causes an autocall and the 
IP address is dynamically learned. The result is an 
improvement in performance in a demand-dial environment.
Resolved the slow memory leak in async PPP modem 
handling logic.
Improved robustness in handling low buffer situations.
Further improved handling of TCP packets with bad 
checksums when NAT is in use. Previously the router 
deliberately dropped bad packets, now the packets are passed 
through NAT translation, ensuring the checksum is still bad 
so that the client TCP stack can request retransmission.