FilterStream D4200 Manuel Complémentaire

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Why fight dust? Because dust
makes us look like bad
housekeepers and it aggravates
allergies. Tiny as they are, many
components of dust can be quite
abrasive, so we want to keep it
from scratching and grinding on
things. Accumulated dust will
wear away both carpeting and
hard floors, and it wreaks havoc
with electronic equipment.
About 40 pounds of dust
settle in the average home
each year. The air in the average
home has about twice as much
dust as the air outside, and many
particles are so small that they
never settle—they just float
around constantly. 
Dust bunnies. Some dust falls
out of the air and settles into
quiet places such as under
furniture, in back of the
refrigerator, beneath the
stove…out-of-the-way corners
where it lays undisturbed and
builds up into balls and clumps
of fuzz. 
Dust allergies. Sneezing is not
always the symptom of a cold.
Sometimes, it is an allergic
reaction to something in the air.
Studies have found that 38
percent of Americans suffer from
allergies. One leading type of
allergen that causes allergic
reactions is dust particles. In fact,
worldwide, airborne dust causes
the most problems for people
with allergies.