Furuno fi-304 Instruction De Maintenance

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C70 Configure FI-30
To return to normal mode, press SET  when the text [rET] is
In the configuration you will be able to tell the Nexus Network
where you have installed the log and wind transducer.
This is important because you may optionally install those
transducers at the Server instead of the instrument.
C71 HDC-master
 = the Compass transducer is connected at the Compass
Data instrument.
[OFF] =
 the wind transducer is connected at the FI-30 Server.
C72 Log-master
 = the log transducer is connected at the Compass Data
[OFF] =
 the log transducer is connected at the FI-30 Server.
C73 Function on terminal In3
Select function on the terminal pin 3. The following functions
are available:
If other function then water temperature is selected, you may
still use the water temperature function by connecting the FI-30
log transducer at the Server or at the Wind Data instrument.
Standard temperature function for the log transducer.
Use the external trim button for the SPEED Trim function.
Use the external trim button for the STEER Pilot function.
Use the external trim button for the M.O.B. function.
Use the roll sensor to compensate wind speed and angle.
(Not yet available, at the time for printing this manual).
When the selection roll is made, further settings in calibration can be made to correct
the offset angle. See C68 0.
When Speed TRriM [TRM] is selected, a press on the external trim button will transmit
the trim command on the Network. To be able to set both steer and trim reference, the
optimum way is to connect one trim button for speed to the Compass Data instrument
and one trim button for steer at the Server. Such an installation gives you the
opportunity to trim both speed and steer with separate buttons.