Xerox DocuTech 6100 Production Publisher Fascicule

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Backup and Restore
System Guide
The Configuration backup stores user customized 
settings only.  The configuration backup allows for fast 
and efficient saving of user settings.  Configuration 
backup allows for multiple versions, network backups, 
and quick restoration of user information.
CAUTION: It is strongly recommended that a System Backup 
and Restore only be performed when directed by a Xerox 
customer service representative.
When to restore a Configuration
The following items detail when to use the backup and 
restore configuration option.
For restoring customer settings after a hardware or hard 
disk failure.
For restoration after a software installation that included 
an installation of the operating system.
When you only need to restore individual items, such as 
queue setups, custom security profiles, network and 
gateway settings, or paper stock or tray mappings.
It is not recommended that jobs be backed up using the 
Configuration Backup.  Use the Print Services feature to 
save jobs as TIFF or FRF files on the DocuSP controller 
or on another storage location.  Using Print Services 
saves job ticket information as well as retaining color 
settings over software upgrades.
It is recommended that the Configuration Backup process be 
performed in weekly or monthly intervals, and be completed 
during time when the printer is not in use, such as at night.
The Configuration Backup file can be saved to a shared 
network drive.
When to restore a System
The following items detail when to use the backup and 
restore system option.
For restoring the system disk copy after a catastrophic 
software, operating system, other software failure.
To restore a known image of the entire system.
Do not use when restoring after a hard disk failure.