Redmond RJ-903 Chrome in Black Manuel D’Utilisation

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Instruction for use
5.  The squeezer will start to operate at the moment when you will press a citrus plant cut in
two upon conical attachment upon the shaft of motor. Do not apply excessive loads! Motor
will automatically stop if there is no pressing.
6.  Upon completion of operation the squeezer should be disconnected from the power
7.  Wind the mains cord in special cell for storage of the cord.
III. coNtENt of vItamINS IN cItRUS pLaNtS
Grapefruit has high dietic and medical properties. Grapefruits
improve appetite, stimulate the normalization of digestion
processes and decrease functional disorder of liver, lower blood
pressure, stimulate the restoration of strength in case of tired-
ness. Glycosides, which are contained in grapefruits, improve
Grapefruits contain 90% of water, 4-7% of sugar, 1-2% of organic
acids, pectic substances. In 100 g of grapefruit juice there are up
to 45 mg of vitamin С, as well as also vitamins В, D, Р.
Grapefruit is rich with cellulose, it contains antioxidants –
vitamin C and vitamin A. Grapefruit belong to the fruits and
vegetables, which use lowers the risk of illnesses.
Fresh orange juice contains vitamin А, С, small quantity of
vitamins К, Е, В-6, В-2, В-1, biotin, folic acid, inositol, niacin,
bioflonaid and 11 amino acids. It also contains minerals: cal-
cium, chlorine, phosphorous, potassium, copper, fluoride, iron,
magnesium, selenium and zinc. In 150 g of orange there are 80
mg of ascorbic acid, which provide the daily need of a human in
vitaminе С. Besides that, oranges remove water from organism
and burn fats. Due to high content of calcium each segment
of orange strengthens bones and teeth. In these fruits there is
a lot of magnesium, which serves as a good support for heart
and muscular activities. Oranges belong to the main suppliers
of rare microelement selenium, one of the best helpers for im-
mune system. Vitamin С is called the main motor for cells vital
functions: each second it takes part in millions of metabolism
chemical reactions. Vitamin С increases vital forces, stimulate
vividness of thinking, activates endocrine glands, makes a figure
slender and provides beneficial effect upon potency.
Nevertheless, in case of ulcer of stomach, duodenum, gastritis
with superacidity and disfunctions of bowels it is better to dilute
the juice with water by half.