Cisco Cisco Unified MeetingPlace for IBM Lotus Notes Guide D’Installation Rapide

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Troubleshooting Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Web Conferencing
How to Resolve Problems With Attachments and Recordings
[mpxadmin@geldridg-kdev ~]$ mtginfo –m <Meeting ID> | more
Step 2
Look for ReadConf of 0x36 (54.)
Step 3
Now go to the conference folder 54 as seen below.
[mpxadmin@geldridg-kapp conf]$ pwd
[mpxadmin@geldridg-kapp conf]$ ls -l -t
total 96
drwxrwxr-x  2 mpxadmin mpx 4096 May  9 08:07 000054 
54 will be used for the directory name on the Windows server for the storage of the recording.
Step 4
If a recording occurred, you will see a recorded file named av_rec.mp4.
Step 5
Use the record_file_info command to view the file and check that it is valid and not corrupt.
The file indicates that it is an audio and video recording with specifics about the recording:
[mpxadmin@geldridg-kapp 000054]$ ls
att_20.dat  av_rec.mp4  conf_8888 (8888 is the conf ID from the web schedule page)
[mpxadmin@geldridg-kapp 000054]$ record_file_info av_rec.mp4 
Track   Type    Info
1       audio   G.711 uLaw, 22.616 secs, 64 kbps, 8000 Hz
2       video   H264 Baseline@3, 22.616 secs, 6 kbps, 352x288 @ 14.105058 fps
start 1:
Start time 09 May 2008 08:06:06.678 (1210345566)
Duration: 22.61 (180880, 8000) seconds
Audio Start Sample: 1
Video Start Sample: 1
[mpxadmin@geldridg-kapp 000054]$ 
Step 6
This displays the export of the .mp4 file to the web replication service.
[root@geldridg-kapp ~]# eventlog -G | grep "Export: conf" | grep 0054 | more
05/09 08:06:58.23         Export: conf/000054/av_rec.mp4
[root@geldridg-kapp ~]# 
Step 7
Check the Web Server for the meeting recording.
The stored converted files for conference folder 54 (which match folder ID 54 on the Application 
Server) are located at: C:\Program Files\Cisco Systems\MPWeb\Meeitngs\54
The files in this directory will have a name such as ‘MtgRec_<xyz>.abc’
Step 8
If verbose logging is on, check the log file for any reason why conversion may not have occurred. 
You can find the log file at: C:\Program Files\Cisco Systems\LogFiles\temp\MPWEB_LBJ_<date>
You can search the log file for the recorded file using the same name as in Step 7: 