Cisco Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Web Conferencing Guide D’Installation Rapide

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Troubleshooting the Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Application Server
Error Messages for Application Server SSL
Error Message   Unable to recover the private key. Is the password correct?
Recommended Action   
Make sure that you enter the correct password. If the password is correct, then 
the key file may be corrupted. If necessary, obtain a new certificate, private key, and password.
If necessary, obtain a new certificate, private key, and password. 
Error Message   Unable to locate a private key on disk. SSL cannot be enabled. You may 
need to generate a new CSR and obtain a new certificate.
Recommended Action   
Generate a CSR and obtain a new certificate. If you created your own 
certificate, private key, and password, then make sure that you enter all three items at the same time 
on the 
Error Message   The certificate you are trying to upload expired on <expiration-time>. 
The system time is now <system-time>. Cannot enable SSL.
Recommended Action   
Check that the system time is correct. If necessary, obtain a new certificate. 
Error Message   The certificate you are trying to upload is not yet valid. It will be 
valid from <valid-start-time>. The system time is now <system-time>.
Recommended Action   
Check that the system time is correct, or wait until the certificate becomes 
Error Message   A CSR already exists. Generating a new CSR will make any certificate 
you have obtained for the existing CSR unusable. Please make sure you want to do 
Recommended Action   
You may ignore this message if you are replacing the certificate, private key, 
and password, or if you did not obtain a certificate for the previously generated CSR. Otherwise, 
click Cancel and do not generate a new CSR.
Error Message   Failed to generate CSR. Please try again.
You entered invalid characters in the 
if you see an exception in root.out with one of the following messages:
Improperly specified input name
Directory string too small
Incorrect ava format
Recommended Action   
Avoid any special characters, and see the