Cisco Cisco E-Mail Manager Unity Integration Option Mode D'Emploi

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might want to trigger TCD creation at important points in a script, such as when a caller
completes a transaction.
There might be cases when a call is not queued, but instead sent to the agent directly (using
the LAA Select node) from the VRU. You must ensure the VRU PG is configured correctly
to ensure that such a call is considered answered at the VRU service rather than abandoned.
If you are using IP-IVR as the VRU, set the Configuration parameter in the VRU PG record
to /ASSUME_ANSWERED to ensure that calls sent from the VRU to an agent without being
queued are reported as Answered. Do not set this parameter if you are using CVP as the
Planning for Reporting on Unexpected Scripting Conditions
Follow these guidelines to ensure that you are able to identify when a routing script encounters
unexpected conditions:
Decide whether you want calls that encounter unexpected scripting conditions to be counted
as default routed or as errors.
In deployments other than System IPCC, if you want the calls to count as default routed, plan
to configure default labels for each dialed number if you do not want calls that cannot be
routed to be reported as errors. When a call is routed to a default label, the call is added to
the count of default routed calls to the call type. If the call cannot be routed and a default
label is not assigned, the call is counted as an error. In System IPCC you do not configure
default labels.
Also, plan to include a Termination Node with Termination type of default label for all scripts
in which there is some unexpected input (else condition). This ensures that the call is added
to the count of default routed calls to the call type. If the call cannot be routed and a default
label is not assigned, the call is counted as an error.
In all scripts, account for failure by creating a path for calls that encounter unexpected
conditions. You might want to route these calls to voicemail, an announcement, or a busy
Planning for Reporting on Short Calls
If you are planning to use Short Calls in your system to filter out false abandons or to detect
when calls are answered and terminated too quickly to be considered handled, follow these
guidelines to obtain reporting data for short calls:
You can configure abandoned short calls globally for all call types. Set the Abandon Call
Wait Time to the number of seconds that you want. If you want abandoned calls to adversely
affect the Service Level, define the Service Level threshold at the call type to be less than
the Abandon Call Wait time
Reporting Guide for Cisco IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions 7.0(0)
Chapter 1: Planning the IPCC Enterprise System to Meet Reporting Needs
Planning for Reporting on Unexpected Scripting Conditions