Cisco Cisco Agent Desktop 8.5 Références techniques

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Supervisor Desktop Problems
Supervisor Desktop Problems
The ASA (average speed of answer) statistic is not being updated in 
the real-time displays in Supervisor Desktop.
The data for this statistics comes from the ICM Admin Workstation 
HDS database. If any entries on the following windows in the Cisco 
Agent Desktop Configuration Setup tool were changed, Supervisor 
Desktop will not be able to retrieve current statistics:
ICM Admin Workstation Distributor window
ICM Admin Workstation Database window
If these windows were updated, you must stop and restart each 
Recording & Statistics service in the system in order for the new 
information to register properly in Directory Services.
A supervisor using Windows XP was able to start Supervisor Desktop, 
but was not able to load a team or display any agent information.
Windows XP may be configured so that the Internet Connection 
Firewall (ICF) is active. ICF acts by keeping track of all traffic to and 
from the computer; it will only allow information through that has 
originated from that particular computer. If a message originates from 
outside the computer, it will be discarded. 
To solve this problem, either turn off ICF (requires someone with 
administrator rights to the computer) or override the defaults to include 
known “good” connections like the CAD servers.
WIndows 2000: In the Control Panel, double-click System. In the 
System Properties dialog, select the Advanced tab. Click the 
Environment Variable button and then Add to add OMNIORB_
USERHOSTNAME and the IP address to the System Variable list. 
Windows 98: Open the autoexec.bat file. Add the command:
where (IP address) is the IP address you wish to use. Save the 
autoexec.bat file and reboot the computer.