Cisco Cisco Web Security Appliance S690

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C I S C O   I R O N P O R T   A S Y N C O S   6 . 3 . 8   F O R   W E B   R E L E A S E   N O T E S
Not all data is uploaded with external DLP enabled in some cases
When uploading a 2 GB file with external DLP enabled, not all data is uploaded to the server 
when the external DLP server is Vontu Web Prevent version 9. [Defect ID: 53868, 53869, 
Access logs sometimes show inconsistent ACL decision tags for tunneled HTTPS traffic 
when HTTPS proxy is disabled
The access logs sometimes show inconsistent ACL decision tags for tunneled HTTPS traffic 
when HTTPS proxy is disabled. Some access log entries might show “OTHER-NONE” and 
some might show “DEFAULT_CASE” at the beginning of each ACL decision tag for tunneled 
HTTPS transactions. “OTHER-NONE” indicates that the Web Proxy did not make a final ACL 
decision when the transaction ended. [Defect ID: 49335] 
Web interface erroneously allows some invalid regular expressions in some cases
Web interface erroneously allows some invalid regular expressions when defining custom 
URL categories. For more information on the valid syntax to use when using regular 
expressions in custom URL categories, see the “Regular Expressions” section in the URL 
Filters chapter of the IronPort AsyncOS for Web User Guide. [Defect ID: 51315] 
End-user URL category warning page hypertext link does not work with virtual IP 
addresses in some cases
The end-user URL category warning page hypertext link sometimes erroneously uses the Web 
Security appliance’s IP address instead of the hostname. When clients on the network access 
the appliance using a virtual IP address, the hypertext link in the warning page does not work. 
[Defect ID: 51440] 
Web Proxy generates a core file when changing the IP Spoofing setting when FTP 
downloads are occurring
The Web Proxy generates a core file when a user is downloading a file using FTP and an 
administrator changes the IP Spoofing setting on the Security Services > Proxy Settings page 
from “For All Connections” to “For Transparent Connections Only.” [Defect ID: 50971] 
IronPort Data Security scanning is bypassed for some websites
IronPort Data Security scanning is bypassed under the following circumstances:
• The client machine uses Adobe Flash version 10 and the client browser is configured to 
explicitly forward transactions to the Web Security appliance.
• Users upload files to some websites, such as Flickr and Gmail (attachments), and the total 
upload size exceeds the minimum scanning threshold.
This is a problem with Adobe Flash. Flash version 10 allows these websites to ignore the 
configured proxy settings in the browser and instead causes transaction to bypass the Web 