Cisco Cisco Customer Voice Portal Downloads

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As part of the exercise prerequisites, install Call Studio now. Refer to 
Later, in this comprehensive exercise, you will be instructed to go to 
 to create and deploy the customhelloworld
Note: There are two versions of customhelloworld, one that uses a TTS server and one that
uses a .wav file. Instructions are provided to create either version of customhelloworld, or
to modify the TTS version if you have already created it and want the .wav version (see
. Stop after you create the application. You will test the application after
you complete the comprehensive exercise setup.
Section A: Ingress Gateway/Voice Browser Configuration
In a production environment, you may decide to place the ingress gateway and the voice browser
(VXML Gateway) on separate hosts for greater throughput, extensibility, or failover protection.
However, the comprehensive exercise in this chapter is designed to use a minimum amount of
equipment. The ingress gateway and the voice browser are combined into a single gateway. (It
can be the same voice gateway used in the standalone exercises.)
The tasks in this sub-section are required to set up the gateway. The basic tasks are:
If you modified the gateway's running configuration, restore it to its baseline configuration.
Customize the changes file with your IP and other details and copy the change file contents
into the gateway's running configuration.
Log into the CVP Operations Console; register the gateway; verify that the Operations Console
can reach the gateway; copy all required files from the CVP installation to the gateway.
These basic tasks are presented in the detailed tasks in this section.
Restore the Gateway's Running Configuration
If you completed the previous exercises, your gateway's current running configuration contains
many commands applicable to CVP's standalone call model. This could get confusing if you
also add the pieces needed for the comprehensive exercise. Also the earlier commands would
generate error messages as you attempt to add similar or identical items to the configuration
file for the comprehensive exercise.
For this reason, it is helpful to revert to your original, working gateway configuration before
adding the changes for this exercise.
To create a configuration that contains only the modifications needed for the comprehensive
exercise, first restore the running configuration to its original, pre-exercise state as follows:
Getting Started with Cisco Unified Customer Voice Portal Release 8.0(0)
Chapter 9: Comprehensive Call Flow Model Exercise
Section A: Ingress Gateway/Voice Browser Configuration