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In the Query menu, type U and Enter to open Notepad. Edit or paste in your query, and save
it if desired. When you click X to close Notepad, the query script is automatically transferred
to Dbaccess.
Step 1
Access the CVP all-in-one-box server, as administrator, using a tool such as VNC Viewer.
Step 2
Open a Windows command window: Start > Run.
Step 3
Enter dbaccess and click OK.
Step 4
Connect to the cvp_data database:
Press C to select Connection.
Press C again to select Connect.
Select the highlighted database server by pressing <Enter>.
At the USER NAME prompt, enter: cvp_dbadmin and press <Enter>.
Note: The cvp_dbadmin user is created when you install the CVP software.
Enter the password you created for reporting when you installed the CVP software.
At the SELECT DATABASE prompt, use the arrow keys and press <Enter> to select the
cvp_data<hosname> database.
The dashed line below the menu should now show the database name as shown below.
Figure 49: Dbaccess - Connect to the cvp_data Database
Step 5
Select Exit to back up to the main menu and continue with the next task.
Query the cvp_data Database
This task continues with the use of the Dbaccess tool to create and run a database query.
Note: For detailed information on the CVP reporting refer to Reporting Guide for Cisco Unified
Customer Voice Portal
Step 1
From the top-level menu of Dbaccess, press 
 to select Query-language.
Step 2
 to enter a new query (or U to use an editor as explained at the beginning of 
Getting Started with Cisco Unified Customer Voice Portal Release 8.0(0)
Chapter 8: Unified CVP VXML Server Standalone Call Flow Model Exercise (with Reporting)
Unified CVP VXML Server with Reporting