Cisco Cisco Customer Voice Portal Downloads Guide Du Développeur

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XML 3.1
The diagram shows a typical exchange between the voice browser, CVP VoiceXML Server, and 
several voice elements. In step 1, the voice browser makes an HTTP request for a VoiceXML 
page to the Server. According to its record of the application call flow, the Server in step 2 
accesses the voice element Foo. The voice element Foo is shown on the right. The element is 
coded to contain within it a small call flow with three possible exit states. It can produce three 
separate VoiceXML pages, A, B, and C. In step 2, the scratch space is empty, indicating that the 
element is being visited for the first time. Foo therefore needs to produce the VoiceXML page A. 
Note that the A contains in it a submit that points back to the Server and includes two arguments 
“arg1” and “arg2”. In step 3, Foo produces the VoiceXML page by assembling VFC objects and 
passes those objects back to the Server. Before exiting, it puts in the scratch space information 
indicating that page A was completed. Foo returns a 
 exit state, indicating to the Server that 
the voice element is not done. In step 4, the Server converts the VFC objects into a complete 
VoiceXML page that is sent back to the voice browser. In step 5, the voice browser has parsed 
the VoiceXML and makes a new request for the next VoiceXML page. The request contains the 
two arguments specified in the VoiceXML page A. In step 6, the Server knows to go back to Foo 
because it previously returned a 
 exit state. It revisits Foo, passing along the two arguments. 
Since the Server maintains the session for each call, and the scratch space is stored in the session, 
Foo can access the Session API to get the scratch space. Foo’s scratch space indicates that A is 
complete. It makes a decision C based on the arguments passed to it and chooses option 3, 
therefore requiring page D to be produced. Foo also notes that after producing this page, it is 
done. In step 7, Foo returns the VFC objects containing page D and returns with the exit state 
“Exit3”. In step 8, the Server produces the VoiceXML page and sends it to the voice browser. In 
step 9, the voice browser parsed the VoiceXML page and asks for the next one. Finally, in step 
10, the Server notes that Foo returned an exit state of “Exit3” so refers to the application call 
flow to discover where to go once Foo returns an exit state of “Exit3”. It determines that the next 
voice element to access is “Bar”. The call continues in this manner until it ends. 
Restrictions and Recommendations 
Cisco CVP VoiceXML tries to make as few restrictions on building custom elements as possible. 
However, in order to ensure proper integration of custom voice elements with the rest of the 
system, some restrictions must be set. Additionally, there are guidelines that do not necessarily 
need to be followed, though they are recommended for design and tighter integration 
The voice element must produce VoiceXML using the CVP VoiceXML Voice Foundation 
Classes (VFCs). The VFCs are the mechanism through which the voice element produces the 
VoiceXML to send to the voice browser and CVP VoiceXML Server is tightly integrated 
with them. See Appendix A: The Voice Foundation Classes for a full description of the 
The voice element cannot define its own root document. The root document is automatically 
generated by the Server and is vital for many features to function such as the ability to 
activate hotlinks, perform logging, and activate the end of call action.  
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