Cisco Cisco Unified Customer Voice Portal 10.0(1)

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Release Notes for Cisco Internet Service Node, Release 2.1 (updated 9/04)
Uninstall for SDDSN
Uninstall for SDDSN
ISN Version 2.1 supports uninstall for SDDSN. The rest of this section applies to systems that had or 
have SDDSN 1.0.1 installed on them.
If you have version 1.0.1 or 2.0 of SDDSN installed, then run the 2.1 upgrade. New files are overlaid on 
top of the old files. Configuration is unchanged; you do not have to reconfigure SDDSN.
If you uninstall this upgrade later, you are left with a non-functioning, partial SDDSN (which has no 
uninstall, because it is a remnant of 1.0.1). You can then run a new upgrade, which gives you a new 
functional SDDSN with configuration still intact.
If you want to completely remove SDDSN, you must reformat the disk. This is because there was no 
uninstall for ISN 1.0.1 SDDSN.
This version of the Application Server is not compatible with the ISN 1.0 or 1.0.1 Voice Browsers and 
vice versa.
ASR and TTS Engine Support
ISN 2.1’s support for ASR and TTS is defined by the functionality supported by the ASSR and TTS 
engines that are used in the solution. ISN Version 2.1 has been tested with the Nuance and Speechworks 
versions listed in Cisco Internet Service Node (ISN) Data Sheet on Cisco Connection Online (CCO) at
During that testing, the following differences between these two products were identified by the ISN 
The only currency supported for ASR is U.S. Dollars in Nuance 8.0.
Play Data (PD) as Char (where char is a list of digits) is not supported in Nuance Vocalizer 1.0 but 
is supported in Vocalizer 2.0.
PD as ETime is not supported in Nuance Vocalizer 1.0 but is supported in Vocalizer 2.0.
PD as TOD is not supported in Nuance Vocalizer 1.0 but is supported in Vocalizer 2.0.
PD as Date is not supported in Nuance Vocalizer 1.0 but is supported in Vocalizer 2.0.
PD as Currency is not supported in Nuance Vocalizer 1.0 but is supported in Vocalizer 2.0.
Nuance Vocalizer 2.0 supports only English.
The Nuance ASR engine does not buffer voice or DTMF input before the recognizer is ready to 
Built-in type: Currency in Nuance ASR returns in the format, where UUU is the 
three character currency indicator.
When using external VXML with Nuance ASR, specifying an invalid locale causes the default locale 
to be used, and the recognizer does not return an error.
ISN was not tested with the Speechworks TTS product.
Built-in type: Currency in Speechworks ASR returns in the format, with no currency 
indicator prefix.