Cisco Cisco Computer Telephony Integration OS 8.5 Guide Du Développeur

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CTI OS Developer’s Guide for Cisco ICM/IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions
Cisco CTI OS Release 7.2(1)
Appendix B      CTI OS Logging
Logging and Tracing (.NET)
Creating a Custom Logging Mechanism
The LogManager class within the .NET CIL implements all CIL logging functions. This singleton class 
has only one instance of LogManager, which provides a global point of access. The LogManager object 
defines a LogEventHandler delegate that must be implemented by custom applications:
public delegate void LogEventHandler(object eventSender, LogEventArgs args);
How to Log Trace Events Using the Logger Class
To log trace events from a custom application to a file, perform the following steps:
Step 1
Create a Logger object. For example:
m_log = new Logger();
Step 2
Write a method to handle log events. This method can trace the log events to a file, if desired. For 
public virtual void ProcessLogEvent(Object eventSender, LogEventArgs Evt)
// Output the trace
String traceLine = Evt.Description;
// Check that tracing is enabled for this tracelevel
if ( m_logger.IsTraceMaskEnabled(traceLevel) )
Step 3
Create a log listener to handle trace events. In the following example, the AddLogListener method 
registers the LogEventHandler delegate as a listener for trace events. The LogManager will send trace 
events to the method that you pass to the LogEventHandler. 
In the following example, the LogManager will send trace events to the ProcessLogEvent method created 
in Step 2. 
m_log.AddLogListener(new LogManager.LogEventHandler(ProcessLogEvent));
The LogManager only calls the method passed as a parameter to the LogEventHandler for a particular 
trace if the trace level for that trace is enabled. You can use the IsTraceMaskEnabled method in the 
Logger class to determine whether or not a trace level is enabled.
Configuring Tracing (Java and .NET)
For the Java and .NET CILs, you can configure tracing either programmatically by using the 
LogWrapper class or by editing the TraceConfig.cfg file. Settings in TraceConfig.cfg will not take effect 
until LogWrapper.ProcessConfigFile is called. Your application must call ProcessConfigFile if you have 
edited the configuration settings in the TraceConfig.cfg file.
The All Agents Sample .NET code in the .NET CIL includes a sample TraceConfig.cfg file and shows 
how to process that file.