Cisco Cisco Computer Telephony Integration OS 8.5 Guide Du Développeur

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Cisco ICM Software CTI OS Developer’s Guide Release 6.0(0)
Chapter 4      Building Your Application
Working with Skill Group Statistics
Note carefully that the name of the event through which to access 
skill group statistics is different in Java than it is in other languages 
supported by CTI OS.
Registering to the eOnNewSkillGroupStatisticsEvent() (JAVA)
To register to receive skill group statistics, you must include the 
eOnNewSkillGroupStatisticsEvent() in the message filter.
For example, in Java, the message filter to receive skill group statistics is:
String filter = S_MESSAGEID + “=" + 
For more information on message filters, see page 4-34.
Registering to the OnSkillGroupStatisticsUpdated() (C++, COM, and VB)
To register to receive skill group statistics, you must include the 
OnSkillGroupStatisticsUpdated() event in the message filter.
For more information on message filters, see page 4-34.
Changing Which Skill Group Statistics are Sent
You can change which skill group statistics are sent to desktop applications by 
modifying the registry on the CTI OS Server.
For information on how to change which skill group statistics are sent to desktop 
applications, see the CTI OS System Manager’s Guide.
Skill Group Statistics Computed by the Sample CTI OS Desktop
The sample CTI OS Desktop are computes many skill group statistics from data 
received from CTI Server. You may choose to develop applications that compute 
these same statistics. Therefore, these computed statistics (in italics) and the data 
and formulas used to derive them are listed below: