Intel L5238 EU80573JJ0676M Fiche De Données

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Thermal Specifications
Figure is not to scale and is for reference only.
Processor Thermal Features
 Thermal Monitor Features
Dual-Core Intel® Xeon® Processor 5200 Series provides two thermal monitor features, 
Intel® Thermal Monitor 1 and Intel® Thermal Monitor 2. The Intel® Thermal Monitor 1 
and Intel® Thermal Monitor 2 must both be enabled in BIOS for the processor to be 
operating within specifications. When both are enabled, Intel® Thermal Monitor 2 will 
be activated first and Intel® Thermal Monitor 1 will be added if Intel® Thermal Monitor 
2 is not effective.
Intel® Thermal Monitor 1
The Intel® Thermal Monitor 1 feature helps control the processor temperature by 
activating the Thermal Control Circuit (TCC) when the processor silicon reaches its 
maximum operating temperature. The TCC reduces processor power consumption as 
needed by modulating (starting and stopping) the internal processor core clocks. The 
temperature at which the Intel® Thermal Monitor 1 activates the thermal control circuit 
is not user configurable and is not software visible. Bus traffic is snooped in the normal 
manner, and interrupt requests are latched (and serviced during the time that the 
clocks are on) while the TCC is active.
Figure 6-6. Case Temperature (T
) Measurement Location