Cisco Cisco MDS 9000 SANTap Livre blanc

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8 #220902 ©2009 
performance requirements, access control, or administrative domain while maximizing 
the use of the entire physical SAN infrastructure. 
Cisco is now taking advantage of the vSAN foundation to provide further value to 
customers through the introduction of Services Oriented SANs. These services 
leverage standard hardware and include the SAN fabric through Cisco's MDS product 
family. They also support all forms of connected storage systems (disk arrays, tape, 
etc.) across the entire SAN and are expandable in standard modular increments. 
Today, the services delivered include: 
I/O Accelerator, which provides WAN acceleration and compression services for 
disk and tape storage systems on FC SANs and FCIP WAN links (includes 
support for leading storage replication solutions, including for the mainframe)  
Storage Media Encryption, which offers common SAN-based data encryption 
services that can provide data at rest security for information on specific storage 
devices (disk or tape) or specific data volumes 
Data Mobility Manager, which provides high-speed data movement between 
SAN-attached storage systems to reduce the time and cost of storage system 
upgrades, replacements, and reallocations 
Secure Erase, which provides reliable, standards-compliant erasure of disk 
arrays and logical units, making it safe to decommission/dispose of old arrays 
while providing a record for compliance 
The Services Oriented SAN solution also supports data management software from a 
number of third parties. Organizations can take advantage of this common foundation 
to support continuous data protection (CDP). In the near future, Cisco plans to further 
extend the capabilities of this platform with greater multiprotocol support (e.g., FCoE) 
as well as new services targeting the needs of bladed servers and virtual desktops. 
C h a l l e n g e s / O p p o r t u n i t i e s   f o r   C i s c o  
The dynamics of the virtualized data center will continue to evolve as new 
environments (e.g., virtual desktops) and new use cases (e.g., business analytic 
warehouses and large content repositories) emerge in the coming years. The 
development of Cisco's Data Center 3.0 network solutions must keep pace with 
organizations' demands for even greater levels of consolidation, optimization, and 
business continuity. 
In short, having a catalog of SAN products that meet demands for better cost 
performance, availability, and reliability isn't enough; IT managers need data center 
network suppliers to provide holistic solutions that quickly address new business 
requirements and work seamlessly with other technologies such as virtualization.