Cisco Cisco ASA 5515-X Adaptive Security Appliance - No Payload Encryption Manuel Technique

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XML Examples for the Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure Security Device Package, Version 1.2(7)
  Protocol Timeouts
Protocol Timeouts
This XML example sets up the protocol timeout value for the connection timer.
ASA Configuration
timeout conn 2:00:59
XML Example
    <fvTenant name="tenant1">
        <vnsLDevVip name="Firewall">
                <vnsDevFolder key="Timeouts" name="TO">
                    <vnsDevParam key="Connection" name="conn1" value="2:0:59"/>
Network Time Protocol 
This XML example turns on the Network Time Protocol (NTP) feature that defines the server to use.
ASA Configuration
ntp server prefer
XML Example
    <fvTenant name="tenant1">
        <vnsLDevVip name="Firewall">
            <vnsDevFolder key="NTP" name="NTP">
                <vnsDevFolder key="NTPServer" name="NTPServer">
                    <vnsDevParam key="server" name="server" value=""/>
      <vnsDevParam key="prefer" name="prefer" value="enable"/>