Cisco Cisco 2504 Wireless Controller Guide De Dépannage

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Initial Walkthrough
Access building type
Anticipate difficult zones
Confirm surveyed areas
Check details of area not mentioned on the main coverage map
Check unexpected roaming path
Select Proper Survey Model
Determine Proper Deployment Characteristics
Dense deployment
Highly mobile (Many cells; high−reliability; fast−moving clients) versus nomadic (temporary
Predictive versus Actual
Specify the tools to complete the survey
Obtain digital floor plans from customer
Spectrum analysis tool like Cisco Spectrum Expert
Professional survey tool such as Airmagnet Survey or Ekahau Site Survey
Define Client Devices to be Deployed
Maximum Tx Power level
Receiver Sensitivity
Determine Physical requirements:
Understand cable considerations
Mounting considerations
Outdoor grounding and lightning protection
Consider placement of additional APs for monitoring and sniffing
Checklist of Base Items to ask the Site Survey Provider
Frequency bands to be used: 2.4 GHz, 5 GHz.
Tools to be used in order to complete the survey, such as Airmagnet, Ekahau, and so on.
Active or passive survey.
Auto sampling.
Type of adapter to be used to perform the survey.
The coverage areas that are 'in−scope' or 'out−of−scope', such as stairwells, elevators, electric rooms,
air shafts, mechanical areas, and so on.
Heat map that displays RF coverage for all 'in−scope' areas with coverage set at the target RSSI for
cell edge with a signal legend.
Heat map that displays SNR for all 'in−scope' areas with the target SNR and an SNR legend.