Cisco Cisco Packet Data Gateway (PDG) Fascicule

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▄  Cisco ASR 5x00 Statistics and Counters Reference 
Injected Downlink Bytes 
Total bytes injected to download. 
Injected Uplink Packets 
Total packets injected to upload. 
Injected Downlink Packets 
Total packets injected to download. 
Buffered Uplink Packets 
Total buffered packets for uplink. 
Buffered Downlink Packets 
Total buffered packets for downlink. 
Buffered Uplink Bytes 
Total buffered bytes for uplink. 
Buffered Downlink Bytes 
Total buffered bytes for uplink. 
Uplink Packets in Buffer 
Total number of uplink packets in the buffer. 
Uplink Bytes in Buffer 
Total number of uplink bytes in the buffer. 
Downlink Packets in Buffer 
Total number of downlink packets in the buffer. 
Downlink Bytes in Buffer 
Total number of downlink bytes in the buffer. 
Buff Over-limit Uplink Pkts 
Total number of uplink packets that were over the buffer limit. 
Buff Over-limit Uplink Bytes 
Total number of uplink bytes that were over the buffer limit. 
Buff Over-limit Downlink Pkts 
Total number of downlink packets that were over the buffer limit. 
Buff Over-limit Downlink 
Total number of downlink bytes that were over the buffer limit. 
Processed Uplink Packets 
Total packets processed for upload. 
Processed Downlink Packets 
Total packets processed for download. 
Dropped Uplink Packets 
Total packets dropped in uplink direction. 
Dropped Downlink Packets 
Total packets dropped in downlink direction. 
Uplink Out of Order Packets 
Total out of order packets in uplink direction. 
Downlink Out of Order Packets  Total out of order packets in downlink direction. 
ITC Terminated Flows 
Total number of flows terminated by Intelligent Traffic Control service. 
ITC Redirected Flows 
Total number of flows redirected by Intelligent Traffic Control service. 
ITC Dropped Packets 
Total number of packets dropped by Intelligent Traffic Control service. 
ITC ToS Remarked Packets 
Total number of packets marked with Type of Service (ToS) by Intelligent Traffic Control 
ITC Dropped Upl Pkts 
Total number of packets in uplink direction, that were dropped by Intelligent Traffic Control 
ITC Dropped Dnl Pkts 
Total number of packets in downlink direction, that were dropped by Intelligent Traffic Control 
ITC Dropped Upl Bytes 
Total number of uplink bytes dropped by Intelligent Traffic Control service. 
ITC Dropped Dnl Bytes 
Total number of downlink bytes dropped by Intelligent Traffic Control service.