Cisco Cisco Content Delivery Engine 220 Guide De Montage

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Cisco Content Delivery Engine 465 Hardware Installation Guide
Chapter 2      Preparing to Install the CDE465
Storage Drive Cautions
Storage Drive Cautions
Storage drives are complex electromechanical systems that are quite delicate. They are subject to 
permanent damage from relatively low levels of both mechanical and electrical shock. Review the 
following cautions to prevent damage while handling and installing a drive.
Dropping an drive from as high as 10 mm (less than half an inch) onto a hard surface can create up to 
900 g of force, exceeding the shock specifications of most storage drives.
Do not strike the drive unit with another object or drive unit.
Do not stack drive units on top of each other unless they are properly secured in a rack or chassis 
intended for stacking.
Do not stand drive units on their edge. They may fall over.
If the drive PC card is exposed in the drive unit, avoid touching the PC card. If you must touch the PC 
card, take ESD precautions (such as using an ESD mat and wrist strap).
If the SATA or SAS connector pins are exposed, avoid touching them. If you must touch them, take ESD 
precautions (such as using an ESD mat and wrist strap).
Drive units should not be moved or transported while the power is on and the disk drive is spinning.
Drive units should normally only be installed or removed from a system with the system power off 
(preferably the system should be unplugged).
“Hot plugging” a drive unit, either inserting or removing, should only be done with a fully stopped drive 
(the heads are parked and the disk is stationary). Exercise extreme care during this operation to avoid 
shocking the other drives in the system.