Cisco GainMaker Reverse Segmentable Node - 1GHz with 40 52 MHz Split Guide De Dépannage

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HFC Plant Troubleshooting Guide 
Some of the faults that can develop in an HFC plant require careful analysis to 
correctly identify and resolve. Fault isolation may require visits not only to the 
customer residence, but also to one or more upstream locations in the network. 
Intermittent problems, with fault symptoms that come and go at random, can be 
especially difficult to pinpoint. 
In these cases, it is very important to follow effective troubleshooting practice so 
that you narrow down the true cause of the problem, as this will help avoid 
customer callbacks and repeat truck rolls. When the solution involves returning 
equipment for service, it is also important to document your findings. 
This guide provides basic instructions for troubleshooting a HFC plant and 
documenting your findings for amplifier and node devices used in a HFC cable 
plant when there is a suspected intermittent operation. 
The audience for this document are system operators and technicians working in 
hub or node environments. 
Qualified Personnel 
Only appropriately qualified and skilled service personnel should attempt to 
install, operate, maintain, and service this product. 
Allow only qualified and skilled personnel to install, operate, maintain, and 
service this product. Otherwise, personal injury or equipment damage may 
Document Version 
This is the first version of this document.