Cisco Headend System Release 2.7 Guide De Montage

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Chapter 2    SR 5.0 Pre-Upgrade Procedures 
4035749 Rev B 
Back Up the File Systems and Database 
The upgrade scripts do not back up the DNCS and Application Server file systems or 
database. Prior to beginning the upgrade, back up the file systems and database 
manually. Based upon the data on your system, the backup could take between one 
and six hours to complete. Be sure to allow sufficient time for the system to complete 
the backup before you enter the maintenance window. 
Choose one of the following options: 
If you are performing a standard file system backup to tape, complete the 
instructions that follow. 
 If your backup is not standard, then follow the instructions in DBDS Backup and 
Restore Procedures For SR 2.2 Through 4.3 User Guide
 (part number 4013779) to 
back up the file systems. 
1  Insert the blank DNCS file system tape into the tape drive. 
2  From the root xterm window, type the following command and press Enter. The 
DNCS file systems are backed up to the tape. 
/cdrom/cdrom/sai/backup_restore/backupFileSystems –v
3  When the backup has completed, remove and label the file system tape and then 
insert the blank database tape. 
As root user type the following command and press Enter. You are prompted to 
mount tape 1 and press Return
/cdrom/cdrom/sai/backup_restore/backupDatabase –v
5  Verify that the database tape is in the tape drive and press Enter. The database 
backup continues. 
6  When the backup has completed remove and label the database tape. 
7  Does the system you are upgrading have a standalone Application Server? 
If yes, insert the Application Server file system tape in the DNCS tape drive 
and continue with step 8. 
If no (you are upgrading an integrated Application Server), skip the rest of 
this procedure. 
8  Type the following command (on one line) and press Enter to copy the 
backup_restore directory from the DVD to the Application Server. 
rcp –r /cdrom/cdrom/sai/backup_restore appservatm:/dvs/backups
9  Type the following command on the DNCS and press Enter to determine what 
drive number to use. 
ls /dev/rmt
The tape drive number may vary from system to system.