Cisco Headend Digital Broadband Delivery System Guide De Montage

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Chapter 2    SR 2.8.2/3.8.2/4.3.2 Upgrade Procedures 
4038415 Rev A 
Install the Application Server Software 
Complete these steps to install the SR 2.8.2/3.8.2/4.3.2 Application Server software. 
1  Log on to the Application Server as root user. 
2  Insert the Maintenance CD into the CD drive of the Application Server. The 
system automatically mounts the CD to /cdrom within 30 seconds. 
3  Is the Application Server a Sun Fire V240 or V245? 
If yes, go to step 4. 
If no, skip to step 7. 
4  Type the following command and press Enter to verify whether or not the 
mirrors are attached. Each device should be mirrored and should have two 
submirrors listed under each mirror device. 
metastat -c
Important:  If any metadevice is followed by an indicator listed in parentheses, 
then the metadevice is not Okay. Call Cisco Services. 
5  Are all of the mirrors attached? 
If yes, go to step 7. 
If no, type the following command and press Enter. A confirmation message 
/cdrom/cdrom0/s3/backup_restore/mirrState –a
6  Type y and press Enter. The system enables the disk mirroring functions. 
Note:  Attaching the mirrors may take an hour or longer. 
7  Type the following command and press Enter. A confirmation message appears. 
/cdrom/cdrom/s3/backup_restore/mirrState –d
8  Type and press Enter. The system detaches all d7xx devices. 
9  Type the following command and press Enter. The system ejects the 
Maintenance CD. 
eject cdrom
10  Insert the CD labeled similarly to AS3.6.2.0 into the CD drive of the Application 
Server. The system automatically mounts the CD to /cdrom within 30 seconds. 
11  Type the following command and press Enter.  A list of mounted filesystems 
df –n
Note:  The presence of /cdrom in the output confirms the system correctly 
mounted the CD. 
12  Type the following command and press Enter to make /cdrom/cdrom0 the 
working directory. 
cd /cdrom/cdrom0