Cisco Cisco E-Mail Manager Unity Integration Option Guide De Dépannage

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Converting Recordings From *.raw to *.wav Format
March 2011
The utility finds the location of the *.raw files from the registry. If the registry does not 
have this information, the utility assumes that the location is the folder 
C:\Program Files\Cisco\Desktop_Audio. The utility writes the converted *.wav files to 
a folder it creates located at C:\Program Files\Cisco\Desktop_wav.
The utility syntax is:
raw2wav.exe <filename>
where <filename> is either the <name>.to.raw or <name>.from.raw file.
Running raw2wav in a Batch File
You can use the raw2wav utility from a batch file that iterates through a 
wildcard-specified set of source files. 
If the utility finds a *.wav file with a name identical to one that is about to be created, 
the conversion is not executed. 
NOTE:  If the utility is halted prematurely, the *.wav file being written 
at that time might be corrupted.
A batch file is a text file with a *.bat extension. You can put DOS commands into this 
file and then run the file as if it were an executable.
For example, the following series of DOS commands can be put into a batch file called 
cd c:\program files\cisco\desktop\bin
for %%c in (..\..\desktop_audio\*.raw) do raw2wav "%%~nc%%~xc"
These DOS commands cause all the *.raw files in the folder 
C:\Program Files\Cisco\Desktop_audio to be converted to *.wav format and placed in 
the folder C:\Program Files\Cisco\Desktop_wav, leaving the original *.raw files in the 
Desktop_audio folder.
Additional lines can be added to the batch file to copy the files to another folder or file 
NOTE:  The utility has a feature that prevents it from reconverting files 
that are already present in the Desktop_wav directory, so the batch 
file does not have to explicitly check to see if the files have already 
been converted.