Cisco Cisco Intelligent Automation for Cloud 2.0

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Cisco Intelligent Automation for Cloud Starter Edition 3.0.1 Release Notes
  Important Note
New Starter Edition Installations Using Cisco Cloud Portal 9.3.2
If you are installing Starter Edition with Cloud Portal 9.3.2, you must set up and configure Starter 
Edition in a specific sequence. It is strongly recommended that you follow the 
, which provides instructions for set up 
and configuration in the correct sequence.
Upgrade of Existing Starter Edition Installations to Cisco Cloud Portal 9.3.2
After upgrading from Cloud Portal version 9.3.1 to 9.3.2, some Starter Edition settings, including but 
not limited to agent properties and provisioning settings, must be reset. It is strongly recommended that 
you follow the instructions outlined in “Upgrading to Cisco Intelligent Automation for Cloud Starter 
Edition 3.0.1,” located in Chapter 3 of the 
Important Note
All prerequisites for Starter Edition must be met before you install Starter Edition software. Before you 
install or upgrade to Cloud Portal 9.3.2, be sure to review the Starter Edition solution prerequisites. See 
 for the 