Cisco Cisco E-Mail Manager Unity Integration Option Guide De Montage

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WebView Installation and Administration Guide for Cisco Enterprise & Hosted Editions, Release 7.0(0)
Chapter 11      Troubleshooting Tips
  Reports and Templates
Reports and Templates
3000 Row Limit
WebView reports display a maximum of 3000 rows.
When you create a WebView report, if your selections of items and date range return more than 3000 
rows of data, you will see a warning message. WebView generates the report, but the data is truncated at 
the 3000th row.
The summary columns will correctly add the data that appears in the report; however, the data in a 
particular grouping that appears on the report may not be all of the data in the database for that grouping.
To avoid this restriction, limit the items or shorten the date range for the report. You can also create a 
custom report that aggregates at a higher level.
1000 Item Selection Limit
When you create a WebView report, if your selection of items exceeds 1000, you will see the following 
warning message:
“You can select a maximum of 1000 items.”
To avoid this restriction, limit the selection of items to 1000. If you are generating an agent report, you 
can select from a list of agents; if you are running a skill group report, you can select from a list of skill 
groups, and so forth.
Agent Data Does Not Appear in Reports
You do not see agent data in a report until you enable the flow of agent data from a specific peripheral 
to a specific real-time distributor. 
Use the following procedure to enable agent data.
Step 1
In the ICM Configuration Manager, open Start > Programs > ICM Admin Workstation > 
Configuration Manager > Peripherals >
 PG Explorer.
Step 2
In the PG Explorer, select the peripheral to which an agent(s) is assigned. 
Step 3
Select the Peripheral tab. 
Review the Client Type.
If the peripheral’s client type is 
CallManager/Soft ACD
, you must select Default desk settings in 
the Peripheral tabs. Otherwise, skip this step.
Review the Agent Desk Settings
Agent desk settings are settings for an IPCC agent’s phone or PC screen that are defined in the ICM 
database. Other types of agents have these settings defined in the ACD. 
 is the only option in the selection list, you need to create desk settings. To create desk 
settings, use the ICM Configuration Manager’s Agent Desk Settings List tool.
Step 4
Select the Agent Distribution tab.
Agent distribution is the flow of agent data from a specific peripheral to a specific real-time distributor.