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Cisco IronPort AsyncOS 8.0 for Security Management User Guide
Chapter 13      Common Administrative Tasks
The closing 
 tag should follow your configuration information. The values in XML syntax are 
parsed and validated against the DTD located in the 
 directory on your Cisco IronPort 
appliance. The DTD file is named
. If validation errors are reported at the command line 
when you use the 
 command, the changes are not loaded. You can download the DTD to 
validate configuration files outside of the appliance before uploading them.
In either method, you can import an entire configuration file (the information defined between the 
highest level tags: 
), or a complete and unique subsection of the configuration file, 
as long as it contains the declaration tags (above) and is contained within the 
“Complete” means that the entire start and end tags for a given subsection as defined by the DTD are 
included. For example, uploading or pasting the following code causes validation errors: 
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE config SYSTEM "config.dtd">
However, uploading or pasting the following code does not cause validation errors:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE config SYSTEM "config.dtd">
“Unique” means that the subsection of the configuration file being uploaded or pasted is not ambiguous 
for the configuration. For example, a system can have only one hostname, so uploading the following 
code (including the declarations and 
 tags) is allowed: 
However, a system can have multiple listeners defined, each with different Recipient Access Tables 
defined, so uploading only the following code is considered ambiguous:
Because it is ambiguous, it is not allowed, even though it is “complete” syntax.
When uploading or pasting a configuration file or subsections of a configuration file, you have the 
potential to erase uncommitted changes that may be pending. 
Empty Versus Omitted Tags
Use caution when uploading or pasting sections of configuration files. If you do not include a tag, then 
its value in the configuration is not modified when you load a configuration file. However, if you include 
an empty tag, then its configuration setting is cleared.
For example, uploading the following code removes all listeners from the system: