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Cisco ICM Software Custom Screen Builder User Guide
Chapter 2      Introduction to Report Templates
About SQL Select Statements
About SQL Select Statements
WebView templates use SQL select statements to determine what data to retrieve from 
the database. Select statements for WebView templates always include a Where clause 
that uses retrieval arguments to narrow the focus of a report to specific ICM entities 
and, in the case of historical reports, a specific date/time range. When they launch a 
report, WebView users are prompted to provide values for these arguments.
The following shows a sample SQL select statement from a WebView report:
SELECT Service.EnterpriseName,Service_Real_Time.CallsOfferedHalf
FROM Service,Service_Real_Time
WHERE (Service.SkillTargetID=Service_Real_Time.SkillTargetID) and 
((Service.SkillTargetID in (:list_of_persvc)))
In this example, the Where clause requests data based on skill target ID. skill target 
is an ICM entity (such as a service, skill group, or agent) to which an ICM task is 
routed. A skill target ID is the unique identifier for a skill target. (:list_of_persvc) is 
the retrieval argument that accepts the list of skill target IDs specifies by WebView 
users when they launch the report.
About Required Retrieval Arguments
WebView prompts users to provide a fixed set of argument values when launching a 
Real-time reports always use one argument—a list of IDs that represent the entities 
listed in the report. 
Historical reports always use three arguments—a list of IDs, and start and end 
date/times that define the report’s time frame.
When creating a new template, you must create retrieval arguments in your SQL select 
statement to accept these values. Note that these are the only arguments WebView 
About Complex Report Templates
This guide provides the basic information needed to create most report templates. 
However, some templates (for example, the enterprise services and enterprise skill 
groups) mandate the use of complex SQL statements and advanced InfoMaker features. 
For example, many enterprise templates use:
Long lists of computed fields defined within the SQL syntax
Rows joined across three or more database tables
Group By clauses, which must be defined within the SQL syntax, and cannot be 
viewed through the InfoMaker graphical interface