Samsung Rugby Manuel D’Utilisation

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Applications       163
• Speak Destination: allows you to speak your destination.
• Type Destination: allows you to use the keypad to enter your 
• Contacts: displays a list of all of your contacts that have 
addresses listed.
• Starred Places: allows you to keep a list of favorite 
destinations, locations, restaurants, etc. Just tap a starred item 
to get directions.
• Recent Destinations: allows you to access information on 
previous destinations you have used. This option only appears 
after you have entered one or more destinations.
Navigation Options
  The map displays with your location in the center. 
for the following options:
• Search: Find a location.
• Route  Info: View information about the current route.
• Layers: Choose map layers to display.
• Mute/Unmute: Mute to silence voice-guided prompts.
• Exit Navigation: Close Navigation and discard route 
• More: The following options are available:
Directions List: View directions in a step-by-step list.
Set Destination: Choose or enter a destination.
Help: Learn about Google maps.
Terms, Privacy & Notices: View information about Google 
Maps, including the Service Agreement and Privacy Policy, and 
give Feedback.
Obtaining Driving Directions
Your phone’s built-in GPS hardware allows you to get real-
time driving directions to selected locations or 
establishments based on your current location.
Using a Physical Address
1. From the Home screen, tap 
 ➔ Navigation 
2. Tap either Speak Destination or Type Destination.
3. If typing in the address, enter the address, City, and 
State using the keypad. As you type, possible 
addresses will be displayed. Tap on one when you see 
the address you want.
The route will be displayed.