Apple appleshare ip 6.1 Guide D’Installation Rapide

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Chapter  1
m AppleShare IP 6.1 Read Me contains late-breaking information that could not be 
included in this manual or the onscreen AppleShare IP Help.
m AppleShare IP Easy Setup is a program you use after installing AppleShare IP to 
perform first-time setup tasks.
m The AppleShare IP First Aid folder contains the AppleShare IP First Aid application for 
repairing key AppleShare IP data files, and the First Aid Read Me file.
m AppleShare IP Help and AppleShare IP Remote Help are HTML documents that explain 
how to administer your servers using AppleShare IP’s administration programs.
m AppleShare IP Manager provides an easy way to access the AppleShare IP 
administration programs.
m The Mail Server folder contains the Mail Admin program, the AppleShare IP Mail Tool, 
the Mail Tool Read Me file, an alias to the Mail Server, and two Apple Guide (Help) 
m The Print Server folder contains the Print Server Admin program and two Apple Guide 
(Help) files.
m The Web & File Server folder contains the Web & File Admin program, an alias to the 
AppleShare IP Web & File Server, and two Apple Guide (Help) files.
m The Help Files folder contains the HTML documents for AppleShare IP Help.
m The MacDNS folder contains a Read Me file for MacDNS, the MacDNS program, and 
the MacDNS Administrator’s Guide.
m SimpleText is a simple word-processing program that opens Read Me files.
m The TCP Filter folder contains the TCP Filter Admin application and two Apple Guide 
(Help) files.
m The Client Software 3.8.1 folder is placed at the root level of the disk. It contains an 
Installer program, the AppleShare IP Client 3.8 User’s Manual, a Read Me file, and the 
AppleShare Client 3.8.1 Chooser extension.
m The Web Folder is placed at the root level of the disk. It contains a file named 
Default.html (your default home page) and associated image file, Plug-ins folder, Error 
Files folder, and the Remote Admin folder, which contains files for the AppleShare IP 
Remote Admin application.
m The AppleShare IP Preferences folder is installed in the Preferences folder inside the 
System Folder.
m The AppleShare IP Admin Libraries folder is installed in the Editors folder in the System 
m Various OpenDoc files are installed in the System Folder.