Access os5 Manuel D’Utilisation

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This section provides deliberate, step-by-step
guidelines on operating and handling the VIRUS
for those of you who are new to the world of
synthesizers and MIDI. The following covers ba-
sics such as how to connect the VIRUS to an
AC power supply, your MIDI system and your
audio system. Then we will guide you through a
series of experiments designed to demonstrate
the different functional groups, their control fea-
tures and the tasks they execute.
After you have finished reading this section, you
will be able to handle virtually all of the sound
generating and sound shaping functions of the
VIRUS. All of these are described in context,
along with their control features. Even the ma-
jority of less significant functions, accessible via
menus, are discussed here. You will find a de-
tailed, comprehensive description of all func-
tions of your new synthesizer in the section
following this introduction.
Please keep in mind that within confines of this
introduction, we are unable to impart all of the
knowledge and skills in acoustics, sound syn-
thesis and MIDI control you might desire or
need to acquire. If you are keen to learn more
about these subjects, you should consider be-
coming a regular reader of one or several of the
leading trade publications in your country. Your
local musical instruments dealer or more expe-
rienced musicians will be able to recommend
the best magazines to you. And of course there
is a wide range of books available on these
If you decide to read this section, we recom-
mend you read it in its entirety from the start -
rather than begin with a subsection that is of
particular interest to you. A fitting metaphor for
the basics discussed in this section might be a
house where each bit of information in a sub-
section is a brick that builds on a preceding
brick and interlocks with those next to it. You
want your knowledge base to be a sound struc-
ture so you won’t  run into problems when you
find one of the “bricks” is missing.
Before you connect the VIRUS to an AC outlet
and the rest of your equipment, ensure that all
of the devices are switched OFF. If your VIRUS
does not have a build-in keyboard, then con-
nect the MIDI OUT of the desired MIDI send de-
vice (keyboard, computer, hardware sequencer,
etc.) with the MIDI IN of the VIRUS.
Connect the audio outputs of the VIRUS with
the signal inputs of your audio system. In order
to receive a signal, as a minimum you must
connect the output OUT 1 R/MONO. However,
we recommend you also connect the output
OUT 1 L so you are able to enjoy the stereo
sounds of the VIRUS.
Once you have established the desired cable
connections, make sure the main volume con-
trols of all the connected devices (VIRUS: MAS-
TER VOLUME, located at the upper left hand of
the control panel) are dialed to the lowest pos-
sible setting. Switch the devices on in the fol-
l o w i n g   s e q u e n c e :   t h e   M I D I   s e n d   d e v i c e
(computer, master keyboard, etc.) first, then the
sound generators (VIRUS and the other signal
sources), followed by the mixing console and fi-
nally the amplifier. 
Now while you are sending notes on MIDI
Channel 1 of the VIRUS, turn the master vol-
umes of the connected devices up in the same
order that you switched the devices on. Be sure
to keep on eye on the signal level indicators of
your mixing console.