adrian-empire sample ceremonies and oaths Manuel D’Utilisation

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Handbook of Ceremonies: 
VI. Ceremonies of Formation
Page 16 of 21
September 2002
© Adrian Empire, Inc.
all rights reserved
 (to the House Lord): 
As set forth by the Bylaws of the Adrian Empire,
You are responsible for administration of this subdivision.
You shall report routinely to the corresponding Crown.
As you are part of the Estates Minor, you are entitled to a seat on the local Estates.
You shall administrate until you resign, are removed as a result of failure to maintain the membership status
as determined by the Steward and Minister of Rolls, or removed by your members.
(optional) shall place a collar of state upon the neck of the House Lord: 
This chain binds you to your
Oath to the Imperium, the Bylaws of the Adrian Empire, and your members. You may be styled as Lord.
 (to the members of the House): 
Members of the House 
<name of house>
, please place your hands
underneath the Sword, as a sign of support. 
(Note: One person may touch the sword, while all others touch
that person, as in taking of the Sword Oath in Combat.)
(to the House members): 
Will the members please repeat after me:
Here do I swear, by mouth and hand:
Support to the house of 
<name of house>
 and its head:
To uphold the bylaws, writs, and codicils of the Adrian Empire:
To be good and loyal members to our lord:
To follow and support the banner of the 
<chartered subdivision>
So say I, 
<name of member>
House Lord
 (to the house members):
On my part, here do I swear by mouth and hand:
To acknowledge the support of the members of the house of 
<name of house>
To champion your cause, protect you and dispense justice when appropriate:
To be a fair and loyal administrator to my members:
And to carry out my duties to the best of my abilities:
So say I 
<name of house lord>
The house members may now rise and face the populace, and the Sword may be put away.
presents the new house to the populace with these words: 
Populace of 
<name of chartered
; I do hereby give you House of 
<name of house>
In the above ceremony, the members seal their oath by swearing upon a sword. Other options include:
  Holding the hand of the Crown, and kissing their ring
  The Crown kissing each cheek of the house lord
A canton is very different from an estate. An estate is a free-association grouping of members from within the
chartered subdivision. Any member may be a part of an estate anywhere in the chartered subdivision. A
canton is an administrative region (usually far from the core of the chartered subdivision), with geographic
borders and no political voice. Yet the actual ceremony which forms the canton can be much the same.
The main difference is with the oaths that the Crown swears. After the canton swears fealty, the Crown
acknoweldges that fealty, the following is added: